10 AI Text Detector Tools Help You Detect AI-Generated Text

In the advancing digital age, content plays a vital role. Millions of words are produced online every day, including articles, blog posts, social media updates, and product descriptions. Yet, how can we tell if the text we are reading was created by a human author or an AI? AI text detection techniques can be useful in this situation. This is where AI text detector tools come in handy.

According to Futurism: “90 percent of online content may be synthetically generated by 2026.”

As AI-generated information may be quite accurate and beneficial for a variety of purposes, this is not always a negative thing. But, it may also be employed dishonestly for things such as generating fake news or manipulating public opinion.

To combat this, Many AI text detector tools that can recognize AI-generated text and tell it apart from human-written content have emerged in recent years. These technologies employ cutting-edge algorithms and machine learning approaches to identify patterns and linguistic differences that are typical of content produced by artificial intelligence, these technologies employ cutting-edge algorithms and machine learning approaches.

In this article, we’ll talk about the top 10 AI text detector tools currently available in the market and how these tools help you detect AI-generated content. So, read on to discover the details! 

Disclaimer: The list presented here is not based on any rank criteria. Listed as First could not be the best or listed as Last in the list is not the worst by any means. This is not a product review post. Please don’t go with the order of the tools. We clarify that the order doesn’t carry any rank. We are not here to judge the rank of the tools. We created this post to share the best options available in the market based on our professional work experience.

We do not endorse or guarantee the effectiveness or reliability of the products listed here as these products would keep undergo several updates over time and see several changes in its functionality or features. It is the user’s responsibility to thoroughly research and evaluate these products before using it. We shall not be held liable for any damages or losses resulting from the use of any of the tools listed in this blog post.– Author

How Do AI Text Detector Tools Detect AI-Generated Text?

Special AI text detector tools are designed to detect automated text production. These tools specifically aim to detect fake text using the same models that generate it. To examine what the model would have predicted at each location in a given text, the tools use the GPT-2 117M language model from OpenAI.

A colored mask is used to show how frequently each phrase was under the model, and the result is a ranking of all the words the model knows. Words that rank within the most likely words are highlighted in green (top 10 ranked words), yellow (top 100), and red (top 1000 ranked words), while the rest are in purple. This helps to determine the likelihood of the text being written by a human or machine algorithm. 

In the example below, the human-written text shows purple and red colors, indicating more unpredictable words than machine-generated text. 

How Does AI Text Detector Tools Detect AI-Generated Text

In contrast, the machine-generated text below lacks red and purple colors, indicating that it’s highly predictable and more likely to be machine-generated.

How Does AI Text Detector Tools Detect AI-Generated Text 2
Source: ThescGLTR: A Tool to Detect Machine-Generated Textemaster

Is AI-Generated Text Good?

When appropriately utilized, AI-generated writing can be a powerful asset. When used to summarize data, produce reports, or even write news pieces, it has the potential to be more effective and save time. AI-generated text is acceptable and is good as long as it is accurate and achieves the desired result. The output quality is determined by the input’s quality and the AI model’s capabilities. The result is likely erroneous or of low quality if the supplied data is of low quality or wrong. 

Also, content produced by AI lacks the originality and personal touch that make human-generated content intriguing and engaging. The distinctive perspective and writing style that humans bring to their work cannot be duplicated by AI models, even though they can swiftly create text and analyze enormous quantities of data. It is, therefore, essential to include human monitoring and editing to guarantee that content generated by AI is of a good caliber and interesting for readers. In this manner, AI-generated text may be a valuable tool to aid writers and boost output while preserving the caliber and authenticity of the final work.

Where Does AI-Generated Content Fails?

Although AI-generated content has demonstrated great potential and yielded effective results in many applications, some areas still need to catch up. Here, we’ll discuss the top five areas where AI-generated content falls short.

Contextual Knowledge

Lack of contextual knowledge is one of the most significant problems with content produced by AI. Although AI models are taught to spot patterns and produce content based on such patterns, they need to comprehend context the same way humans do. For instance, an AI model can create a news story on a particular subject, but it might need to comprehend the story’s broader context or ramifications. This might result in presenting incorrect or partial information. 

Creativity and Originality

AI-generated content also lacks originality and creativity. While AI models can produce text based on patterns and data, human writers are more clever and flexible. This can lead to humans creating more creative content or effectively conveying a particular subject or idea.

Lack of Accuracy When Dealing with New or Fresh Content

AI-generated content can’t provide accuracy when dealing with new or fresh content. Because the AI models are trained on the trends and data sets existing at the time of training, they might need the latest or up-to-date data. As a result, they could produce outdated or erroneous text.

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Ethical Considerations

When it comes to issues of prejudice and impartiality, AI-generated content can create ethical concerns. AI models trained using pre-existing datasets may unintentionally reinforce existing prejudices or discriminatory practices. When it comes to delicate subjects like race or gender, this may lead to unfair or misleading information.

Emotional Intelligence

Emotional intelligence is also lacking in AI-generated content. AI models cannot understand the emotional depth of language and human conduct, even though they can spot patterns and produce content based on those patterns. This can lead to writing that lacks empathy or fails to engage readers emotionally.

AI-Generated Content vs Human-Generated Content?

In marketing, content is crucial in engaging the target audience and piquing their interest in products or services. However, the question of whether AI-generated content is better than human-created content for marketing strategies arises.

AI-generated content has inherent limitations since it can only produce content using existing data and lacks creativity, originality, and comedy. On the other hand, humans are better at integrating seemingly unrelated ideas and have a better knowledge of the creative process. 

AI-based content production can be economical for producing articles, films, and other sorts of information. Nevertheless, regarding interpersonal interactions, AI is limited since humans are better at identifying context, tone, emotion, and language in the content. While machine learning technology can speed up content development, it won’t aid marketers or company owners to develop strong customer relationships.

Also, an important aspect of writing is that it needs a human touch since they are better at separating fact from opinion and have a stronger sense of people’s sentiments. They are now more adept at producing content that appeals to readers. Thus, a personal touch is necessary for effective writing in marketing.

The finest marketing campaigns include human and machine-generated content. While algorithms can swiftly make articles or movies from available data, humans are still better at producing unique content. Marketers must comprehend the benefits and drawbacks of any decision for their company.

10 AI Text Detector Tools Help You Detect AI-Generated Text

Here are the top 10 AI text detector tools that help you detect AI-generated content: 


Originality logo
Source: ChromeStats

Originality.AI is one of the best AI text detector tools online that allow you to check your content’s originality by detecting plagiarism and identifying if AI tools were used to create the content. The tool was built by a team of content marketing and GPT-3 AI experts and can detect if the content was generated by famous AI writers like GPT-J, GPT-NEO, GPT-2, and GPT-3. Originality.ai uses machine learning and natural language processing algorithms to analyze the text and identify similarities with other sources. It can also check the text against a user-defined database of references to detect plagiarism. The tool can recognize rephrased or paraphrased content, which makes it more effective than traditional plagiarism checkers. It provides a score from 0-100 on the chance that the content scanned was produced by an AI writing tool. The tool can check any email, document, Google Docs, WordPress content, and website.

Key Features

Here are some of the best features of Originality.ai: 

  1. Plagiarism checking: With Originality.ai, users can quickly evaluate their content to ensure it doesn’t include copied text. Because of the tool’s precise and dependable results, the users can reliably get creative and distinctive content.
  2. AI-written content detection: By reliably identifying and detecting AI-written content with a 99% accuracy rate, this tool assists authors and businesses in making sure that their content remains original and distinctive. 
  3. Website scanning: To find plagiarism and AI-written content, users can employ the website scanning feature to scan an entire website. This ensures that only original information is posted online, and writers are given due credit for their contributions.
  4. Team collaboration: Originality.ai allows adding teammates and task assignments, making it more straightforward for teams to work together on writing projects. This makes it possible for team members to quickly examine, update, and approve information because everyone is on the same page.
  5. Originality AI Chrome Extension: This tool enables users to determine whether an AI writing helper produced any content swiftly. It offers free trial credits.


GPTZero logo
Source: DEV

GPTZero-with over one million users globally is a highly effective AI detector that ensures that human-generated content remains authentic and free from AI involvement. It is one of the world’s leading tools that help you detect AI-generated content. It examines the perplexity—the randomness that characterizes text—and burstiness—the statistical term for the uniformity of this perplexity within the text. Human written text has more burstiness and perplexity as they subconsciously change those qualities, while AIs generated content has a more uniform pattern.  

Key Features

Here are some of the best features of GPTZero:

  1. Plagiarism Scores: GPTZero’s overall score assesses the degree to which AI has contributed to specific content. With this function, users can evaluate their content’s authenticity and identify instances where AI was used to write it.
  2. Highlighted Portions: With the help of GPTZero’s highlighting function, users can quickly spot any sentences that AI produces. Users can then decide whether to preserve or delete those elements from their content. 
  3. File Bulk Uploads: With GPTZero, users can upload multiple files at once, making it easier to check your multiple files using the platform. This feature is best to benefit from when you need to save time and ensure all your content is free from AI involvement.


Source: Writer

Like Originality, Writer.com also evaluates the text’s originality using artificial intelligence and machine learning. The tool compares the text being analyzed to a database of other readers and looks for similarities. The tool evaluates the text for parallels, such as comparable sentences, paragraphs, or phrases to help you detect AI-generated content. 

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Key Features

Some of the critical features of Writer.com include the following:

  1. Precision and accuracy: To preserve authenticity and transparency in content, it provides accuracy in recognizing AI-generated content.
  2. Seamless integration: Workflow efficiency is improved by seamless connection with already-existing products and platforms like Figma, Word, and Docs.
  3. Chrome extension: Easy content creation and editing with the Chrome extension that doesn’t require you to leave the browser. 
  4. Streamline workflow: Streamlines processes and increases the effectiveness of content development through collaboration with team members
  5. AI content detection: Detection of AI-produced text up to 500k words per month to guarantee that content is reliable and authentic even at scale


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With the most recent AI developments in writing tools, Copyleaks has become more and more frequent to detect the resemblance between AI-written language and human-written text. 

As it’s impossible to discern if the content was created by AI or not with the naked eye, questions concerning originality and value for readers and search engines have been raised. AI detection techniques, such as the CopyLeaks tool, have been created to solve these issues.

In tests using human-written and AI-written information, the tool correctly identified AI-written content even when presented as human-written. 

Key Features

  1. AI content detection: Copyleaks is equipped with an enterprise AI Content Detector, allowing users to distinguish between writing produced by humans and AIs.
  2. API and LMS integrations: In addition, Copyleaks provides powerful API and LMS integrations that let customers link the tool to their Learning Management Systems and build sophisticated integrations.
  3. Supports multiple languages: Copyleaks is one of the most comprehensive language databases available and offers plagiarism detection in over 100 human languages. 
  4. AI Grading Tool: It correctly evaluates open-ended essays and thousands of written examinations while saving countless hours. 
  5. CodeleaksTM: This is another feature of Copyleaks, which checks the originality of source code by comparing it to other source code files on the internet.


Corrector App is a tool that helps users detect AI-generated content, especially GPT-generated content. It utilizes natural language processing (NLP) technology to detect text errors and suggest corrections. This detection algorithm is powered by GPT3, the third generation of OpenAI’s Generative Pre-trained Transformer (GPT) model.

Key Features 

  1. Accurate AI-Generated Text Detection: AI Text Detector offers increased accuracy in detecting AI-generated text using advanced algorithms and technologies that can detect slight variations in style or wording, ensuring reliable results.
  2. Time and Money Saving: The tool provides a cost-effective and efficient way to detect texts generated by AIs. This helps users save time and money by avoiding manual checking or relying on expensive content detection tools that often don’t deliver accurate results.
  3. Avoid Google Penalization: Users can avoid getting penalized by Google for submitting fake and spammy content online by using the AI Text Detector to detect and remove any suspicious or fraudulent text.
  4. Fraud Detection: The AI Text Detector can catch any form of fraud, including articles generated with ChatGPT or similar technologies, ensuring the credibility of written content.
  5. Language Recognition: The tool can recognize and detect different languages, including Hindi, Chinese, French, Spanish, Arabic, Russian, Japanese, Portuguese, and Indonesian, and can also detect multi-language text written with the most common AI-writing tools.


Crossplag logo
Source: Crossplag

Crossplag is a web-based platform that provides several tools for identifying plagiarism and guaranteeing the originality of the content. A unique component of the platform that is made to identify AI-generated content is its AI Content Detector.

The AI Content Detector determines a text’s provenance by combining machine learning algorithms with natural language processing methods. It is trained on a sizable collection of content created by humans and by AI to discover the distinctive patterns and traits of each type of writing. When a user enters a text into the tool, it returns an accuracy percentage that indicates whether the content was likely produced by a human or an AI.

Key Features

The key features of Crossplag include: 

  1. Accurate detection: It uses machine learning and natural language processing to detect human vs. AI content accurately. 
  2. Identifies text source: Gives a percentage of confidence in the text’s source after being trained on a massive dataset of human- and AI-written text (human vs. AI)
  3. Maintain a standard of content: Ensures the integrity and accuracy of the content supplied and aids in maintaining the standard of publishing’s content
  4. Integration with other tools: It is compatible with other Crossplag plagiarism detection technologies (similarity checker, paraphrase checker)

Content at Scale

Content at Scale logo
Source: Content at Scale 

Content at Scale is a free AI content detector available as part of the AI authoring tool. You can utilize the tool to determine if a human or an AI produced a text. The detector provides a score between 0% and 100% if you copy and paste your text into it. 

The result shows how much the tool believes humans vs. artificial intelligence created your text. A score of 0% indicates that the tool believes all of your content was produced by AI, while a score of 100% indicates that the tool believes all of your content was authored by you.

Key Features

  1. On-demand API: It is offered for complex integration.
  2. Support for multiple languages: It supports various languages for use worldwide.
  3. Free-to-use platform: This tool has no hidden fees or membership charges.
  4. Accuracy: 85%+ accuracy rate in identifying whether the content is produced by humans or artificial intelligence.
  5. User-friendly interface: The tool is simple for beginners and experts.


Source:Tech Startups

A cutting-edge deep learning-based natural language processing (NLP) model called OpenAI Classifier is created to categorize text input into human or AI-generated content. Its Transformer design and extensive training in labeled data have enabled it to perform classification tasks with high accuracy.

At its core, the OpenAI Classifier employs the transfer learning method, which involves optimizing a previously trained language model for a particular classification task. The pre-trained model, referred to as GPT (Generative Pre-training Transformer), has been introduced to a significant body of text data and can produce coherent and appropriate text for the given context. Using a labeled dataset and the pre-trained GPT model, OpenAI Classifier refines the model for the particular classification task.

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Key Features 

  1. Accuracy: A 26% accuracy rate for AI-generated text and a 9% false positive rate for human-generated text can tell if a person or an AI produced a text.
  2. Reliability: Longer texts and more contemporary AI systems get higher results. On the other hand, short texts, non-English languages, and codes all have lower reliability.
  3. Edited AI content: It can be vulnerable to detect the edited AI content
  4. Developing tool: It is a developing tool that could get better in the future.


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GLTR is a language model interpretation tool that aids in finding potential biases in the text produced by automated processes. It examines each word’s probability distribution in a created text and shows the findings in a straightforward interface. The tool flags a term in the text as a possible source of bias when it appears with a low likelihood. 

Key Features

Here are some features of GLTR:

  1. Open-source tool: GLTR is a free, publicly accessible, open-source tool. 
  2. Designed to detect AI-generated text: The tool is expressly made to identify instances of AI-generated content. There is a high probability of the results being accurate.  
  3. Simple and user-friendly interface: Everyone (beginners or experts) can use GLTR because of its simple and user-friendly interface.
  4. Color-coded analysis: The tool offers a color-coded evaluation of the text, making it simple to spot the passages most likely produced by artificial intelligence.
  5. Probability scoring: Each word in the text is given a probability score by GLTR, indicating how likely it is that an AI software created it. 
  6. Customizable settings: Users may change the settings of GLTR to fit their requirements. This includes changing the length of the text to be evaluated, the number of potential words displayed, and the probability score threshold. 


Sapling logo
Source: Sapling 

Sapling.ai is a robust customer service platform that has lately included compelling AI content-detecting features. This platform, one of the best free AI text detectors available today, has many functions.

Key Features

  1. Detects content produced by GPT3 and other latest models: The platform contains sophisticated tools for spotting text generated by GPT3 and other cutting-edge AI models. Because of this, it is very accurate and trustworthy. 
  2. Multiple tools to improve writing: A variety of writing tools are available on Sapling.ai to enhance writing. A grammar checker, auto-complete, snippets, and chat assistance are a few of these. These technologies improve user experience and enable teams to produce content of the highest caliber. 
  3. Broad limit to text checking: Sapling.ai is perfect for both small- and large-scale content generation since it can manage a range of text-checking scopes.
  4. User-friendly interface: Sapling.ai features an intuitive platform that makes it simple for users to search the database and identify AI-generated content.
  5. Integration with other Sapling.ai tools: Other Sapling.ai tools, such as the team performance analytics, knowledge management system, and HR information system, can be combined with the AI detector tools. This increases the communication and productivity of the team overall. 

AI Detector Pro

AI Detector Pro

AI Detector Pro is the only AI Detector on the market developed for students and employees to avoid unfair false positives rather than be accused of using AI to create content. AI Detector Pro believes that school and company policies are currently too vague and AI software is moving too quickly for students and employees to submit work before checking for a false positive.  They help their users check their work before getting flagged and facing negative consequences. False positives occur when detection software is not updated for the latest version of GPT or BARD. Over 2023, AI Detector Pro updated its platform for GPT-2, GPT-3, and GPT-4. They updated their detection software for BARD within a week of its release.

AI Detector Pro has several advantages:

1.       Algorithms Updated Daily: AI Detector Pro is already updated for GPT-4 and BARD. The company lists its technology updates publicly to assure users of accuracy.

2.       Advanced Features for Students and Employees: unlike other detection software, AI Detector Pro focuses on helping students and employees avoid unfair accusations. They build advanced features around student and employee needs over institutional needs.

3.       Risk scoring and targeted reports: AI Detector Pro recognizes that a risk score and easy identification of AI-generated text are important. Their easy-to-read reports highlight language, which can be edited out by users as needed. More Product to Ensure Accuracy: AI Detector Pro gives users reports of 10,000 characters. Most detection software will provide users with 3000 to 5000 characters to check for AI- generated text. AI Detector Pro’s scientists determined that accurate risk scores require 10,000 characters, and free limited character reports are less reliable for students and employees.   


With the rise of AI-generated content, the need for reliable AI text detector tools has become more critical than ever. Therefore, AI text detector tools are essential in detecting machine-generated text and preventing the spread of fake or spammy content. While AI-generated content can be accurate, it often needs more emotional intelligence and creativity than human-generated content possesses. Using AI text detector tools like Originality.ai, GPTZero, GLTR, and others, users can detect AI-generated text with increased accuracy, saving time and money. 

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