What is Adversarial Training in Lay Mans Terms? And How Does it Help Preventing Adversarial Attacks?

What is Adversarial Training in Lay Mans Terms? And How Does it Help Preventing Adversarial Attacks?

Cyber Attacks
Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning have become integral parts of our daily lives. From virtual assistants to recommender systems, AI is powering many of the services and applications we use every day. However, as the use of AI grows, so do concerns about its security vulnerabilities. The OWASP team has published its first version of OWASP Top 10 for LLM, especially for AI applications powered by LLMs. One such concern is that of adversarial attacks. Adversarial attacks aim to fool AI systems by supplying deceptively modified inputs. This can cause the AI to misclassify or misinterpret the perturbed input. For instance, adding some nearly imperceptible noise to an image can make an AI system misclassify it completely. Defending against such attacks is critical for building robust and trustworthy AI systems. This is where adversarial training comes into…
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FraudGPT – The Emergence of Malicious Generative AI

FraudGPT – The Emergence of Malicious Generative AI

CHAT GPT, Cyber Attacks
The rapid advancement of AI technology has brought many useful applications. However, it has also given rise to new security threats. Recently, another dangerous generative AI tool named FraudGPT emerged on the dark web right after wormGPT, designed explicitly for malicious purposes. FraudGPT allows cybercriminals to automate and scale up sophisticated cyberattacks such as phishing campaigns, malware creation, and card fraud. FraudGPT on Dark Web (Source: NetErich) Let’s talk about another malicious generative AI tool called FraudGPT, its features, risks, and finally, how such tools could be tackled to protect your business. Table of Contents What is FraudGPT? According to Rakesh Krishnan, a Senior Threat Analyst at Netenrich, FraudGPT is an AI bot tailored for offensive hacking activities like crafting spear phishing emails, generating malware, carding frauds, etc. It has been circulating on the dark web since July 22,…
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How to Fix GameOver(lay)- Two Local Privilege Escalation Vulnerabilities in Ubuntu Linux Kernel?

How to Fix GameOver(lay)- Two Local Privilege Escalation Vulnerabilities in Ubuntu Linux Kernel?

Cyber Attacks
Sagi Tzadik, Shir Tamari from Wiz disclosed two easy-to-exploit local privilege escalation vulnerabilities in the OverlayFS module of the Ubuntu Linux Kernel. These two vulnerabilities assigned with the identifiers CVE-2023-2640 and CVE-2023-32629 could be severe than it appears as no configuration changes are needed to exploit these vulnerabilities. These issues are unique, although they look similar to the two-year-old Overlayfs vulnerability (CVE-2021-3493).  Let’s dive deep into the issue and understand how these vulnerabilities are unique, although they share the same functionality in terms of exploitation. Before going to the technical details, it’s good to know about the OverlayFS that has existed since 2009 as part of the Linux Kernel. What is OverlayFS and How Does it Work? OverlayFS is a union mount filesystem implementation for Linux that allows combining multiple directories and mount points…
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What is PSIRT- Product Security Incident Response Team?

What is PSIRT- Product Security Incident Response Team?

Cyber Attacks
Product Security Incident Response Teams (PSIRTs) play a crucial role in addressing security vulnerabilities and incidents that affect a company’s products and services. These dedicated, globally-coordinated teams expertly manage the receipt, investigation, and public reporting of security vulnerabilities, ensuring that both internal and external stakeholders are informed about the current risk landscape and equipped to mitigate potential threats to their systems. Often working in tandem with development teams, PSIRTs are responsible for assisting in all security-related aspects of a company’s product lifecycle. This includes but is not limited to, identifying vulnerabilities in supported products, implementing mitigation strategies, and disclosing information to the public in a responsible and transparent manner. A key aspect of this process is the assignment of Common Vulnerabilities and Exposure (CVE) identifiers, which allows for easier tracking…
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A New Security Evasion Technique- MalDoc in PDF

CHAT GPT, Cyber Attacks, Malware
Cybercriminals are always looking for new ways to evade security systems and deliver malware. To stay one step ahead, security researchers actively look for and disclose new attack techniques to raise awareness. Recently, researchers from JPCERT/CC discovered a new polyglot security evasion technique that uses PDF files to bypass malware detection and deliver infected Word documents containing malicious macros. JPCERT named this technique “MalDoc in PDF”. In this blog post, we tried explaining the workings of the MalDoc in PDF attack and ways security engineers can upgrade their defenses against this ingenious new technique. Let’s get started! What is a Polyglot File? A polyglot file is a file that is valid in multiple file formats. This allows the file to exhibit different behaviors when interpreted by different programs. For example, a file…
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What is PSIRT- Product Security Incident Response Team?

What is PSIRT- Product Security Incident Response Team?

Cyber Attacks
Product Security Incident Response Teams (PSIRTs) play a crucial role in addressing security vulnerabilities and incidents that affect a company’s products and services. These dedicated, globally-coordinated teams expertly manage the receipt, investigation, and public reporting of security vulnerabilities, ensuring that both internal and external stakeholders are informed about the current risk landscape and equipped to mitigate potential threats to their systems. Often working in tandem with development teams, PSIRTs are responsible for assisting in all security-related aspects of a company’s product lifecycle. This includes but is not limited to, identifying vulnerabilities in supported products, implementing mitigation strategies, and disclosing information to the public in a responsible and transparent manner. A key aspect of this process is the assignment of Common Vulnerabilities and Exposure (CVE) identifiers, which allows for easier tracking…
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How to Protect Your Windows PC from Brute Force Attacks Using Group Policies?

How to Protect Your Windows PC from Brute Force Attacks Using Group Policies?

Cyber Attacks, Data Breaches, LUNIX, Threats & Vulnerabilities
Brute force attacks are one of the top three ways that Windows computers are attacked today. These attacks involve malicious actors trying to guess user passwords by repeatedly trying different password combinations. If successful, the attacker gains access to the compromised account and can further penetrate the system. Windows devices have traditionally been vulnerable to brute force attacks against local administrator accounts. This is because Windows did not allow built-in local Administrator accounts to be locked out, no matter how many failed login attempts occurred. Attackers could essentially launch an unlimited number of password guesses over the network against the administrator account. However, Microsoft has introduced new security capabilities in recent Windows versions to counter brute force password attacks against local administrator accounts. By properly configuring new Group Policy settings, you can now…
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5 Tips for Cybersecurity and Data Protection for Small Businesses

5 Tips for Cybersecurity and Data Protection for Small Businesses

Cyber Attacks, Vulnerabilities
Small businesses are the lifeblood of the economy, employing millions of people and contributing to the growth and prosperity of local communities. However, small businesses are increasingly becoming targets for cyber attackers due to their perceived vulnerability and lack of sophisticated security measures. In fact, according to a report by Verizon, 43% of cyberattacks are targeted at small businesses. As a small business owner, it is important to take proactive steps to protect your business from cyber threats. In this article, we will discuss cybersecurity and data protection tips that can help safeguard your small business from cyberattacks. Introduction to Cybersecurity for Small Businesses   Image Source Cybersecurity is the practice of protecting computer systems, networks, and data from theft, damage, or unauthorized access. Cyberattacks can take many forms, from phishing…
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What is Mystic Stealer And How Can You Protect Your Information from Mystic Stealer Malware?

What is Mystic Stealer And How Can You Protect Your Information from Mystic Stealer Malware?

Cyber Attacks
You might have heard these words many times, “Data is the new Oil” or “Data is the new Gold.” Everybody is behind the data. You might have seen several times that big companies like Facebook, Twitter, Google, and many others companies being sued on data stealing charges. The globe is so mad about the data that it led to the creation of more than 4k broking firms in the globe. According to research Data broker’s market has grown to the worth of $200 billion annually. These lucrative numbers have made the birth of information-stealing software, in other words, information-stealing malware. We will explore one such information-stealing malware, which is quite popular these days, Mystic Stealer Malware. Mystic Stealer is a relatively new information-stealing malware that can cause significant damage to its victims. First advertised in…
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Breaking Down the Latest April 2023 Patch Tuesday Report

Breaking Down the Latest April 2023 Patch Tuesday Report

Application Security, Application/Appliance, Cloud & OS Platforms, Cyber Attacks, Cyber Security, Threats & Vulnerabilities, Windows
Microsoft releases security updates every month to address vulnerabilities in its software products. These updates are critical to ensuring the security of computer systems and networks. The April 2023 Patch Tuesday Report is important as it fixes various security vulnerabilities discovered in Microsoft’s software products.  This blog will provide an overview of the latest April 2023 Patch Tuesday report, highlighting the significant vulnerabilities and their severity levels. Microsoft Patch Tuesday April 2023 Report Summary Microsoft released the April 2023 Patch Tuesday. Let’s see the summary of the report: The update addresses 114 vulnerabilities, 7 are classified as critical, and 90 are classified as important. The April 2023 update includes fixes for one zero-day vulnerabilities, which are exploited in the wild. All 9 Critical vulnerabilities are Remote Code Execution vulnerabilities.  The products covered…
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